
Car hire with driver - NCC for business and representation - Transfers for businesses, organizations, fairs, events and meetings - NCC Car for weddings and ceremonies
Car transfers for tourism

prenotaziome aeroporti Ncc- Flori,Servizi di autonoleggio con conducente per il turismo ciao
Book transfers to and from airport or station

Please remember to fill in the form that all fields are required, which in the first and last name fields are not accepted in the numbers, symbols and the point is that, in the case of failure to transmit, the field will show the wrong reason's error.

It also reminds you that the data are requested are the minimum necessary to place an adequate service to satisfy your needs in the best way to guarantee the service to be performed and, therefore, are required also and especially at your warranty.

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Attention, all fields are required!

Last Name
Object (Estimate or Service)
Full Address (Arrival or Departure)
Service Type (Arrival or Departure)
Airport or Station
If Other Place indicate that
Other Place
Date dd/mm/aaaa
Code Flight or Train
necessary for the arrivals at the airport
Hours Arrival or Departure
necessary for the arrivals at the airport
Formato (
Mobile number to
contact on arrival
required to contact on arrival

Number of people needed to establish
the car to be send
Informative on the Privacy

In the sending means automatically accepted the conditions of the privacy
and the termination of service
For all other informations


The notice to leave of the service without penalty is accepted if communicated by telephone with subsequent confirmation by  e-mail  within 4 hours of the start of service for services in the city and within 24 hours for those out of town. In case of non-compliance of the above will apply a penalty equal to 50% of the amount of service agreed.

For arrivals at the airport, if not informed at least by telephone within one hour before the beginning of the service, is included in the tariff the wait until 60 minutes from the estimated time of landing of flight from ADR's, after the deadline will be applied hourly rate available for each hour or part thereof.

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   Check the advertisements in red above the form fields

For arrivals at the stations or ports, if not informed at least by telephone, within one hour before the beginning of the service, is included in the tariff the wait up to 30 minutes. After this time will be charged at the rate of hourly provision for each hour or part thereof.

For departures, if not informed at least by telephone, within one hour before the beginning of the service, is included in the tariff wait until 20 minutes after that deadline will apply the provision of an hourly rate for each hour or part thereof.

The above also applies in case of cancellation of flights by airlines with the possible departure delayed.

Please note that the available services may not be guaranteed in the event of excessive delays.